Total Medals Earned: 285 (From 129 different games.) Total Medal Score: 3,285 Points
Medals Earned: 1/3 (5/65 points)
Beat the first 8 games
Beat the first 16 games
Beat all 32 games
Medals Earned: 2/9 (10/305 points)
Complete the intro cinematic
First dungeon completed
Find where you are by talking to the Wizard and complete the level
Meet the other trapped frog and complete the level
Reach the kitchen and complete the level
Test the dance floor, show your skills, and complete the level.
Did you see him? And complete the level
Defeat the mages on the dance floor
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Medals Earned: 2/11 (10/330 points)
Level 1
Its only Starting
Level 3
Levels Are Getting Hard
Level 5
Down to Jump
Use Missile to Get up
Stop me!!!
Jump 23 Times
Never Return
Medals Earned: 3/30 (15/500 points)
Complete level 1
Complete level 2
Complete level 3
Complete level 4
Complete level 5
Complete level 6
Complete level 7
Complete level 8
Complete level 9
Complete level 10
Complete level 11
Complete level 12
Complete level 13
Complete level 14
Complete level 15
Complete level 16
Complete level 17
Complete level 18
Complete level 19
Complete level 20
Complete level 21
Complete level 22
Complete level 23
Complete level 24
Complete level 25
Complete level 26
Complete level 27
Complete level 28
Complete level 29
Complete level 30
Medals Earned: 7/54 (55/480 points)
enter your name
use a publisher
write a book with a quality of 10 or more
write a book with a quality of 5 or more
have style of 5
have wit of 5
write a book with a quality of 25 or more
have $5000
write 5 books
play 100 in-game weeks
play 50 in-game weeks
buy a bus pass
have charisma of 10
have charisma of 5
have humour of 10
have humour of 5
have intelligence of 10
have intelligence of 5
have research of 10
have research of 5
self publish a book
have style of 10
buy a tent
buy a typewriter
have vocabulary of 10
have vocabulary of 5
have wit of 10
have $10000
write 25 books
play 250 in-game weeks
write 50 books
play 500 in-game week
buy an apartment
buy a car
have charisma of 20
have charisma of 30
buy a computer
have humour of 20
have humour of 30
have intelligence of 20
have intelligence of 30
have research of 20
have research of 30
have style of 20
have style of 30
have vocabulary of 20
have vocabulary of 30
have wit of 20
have wit of 30
write 100 books
buy a fancy apartment
buy a fancy car
buy a laptop
Medals Earned: 1/18 (5/490 points)
Successfully find the full beard!
Successfully shaved it all off!
Successfully find the Full Gringo!
Dig up King Tut
Detect la Poirot!
Lookin' hot in yer Mutton Chops
Successfully find the Napoleon Imperial
Find your soul (patch)
Locate Lemmy!
Successfully audition the Thespian
Hey Abe, my top lip is awful chilly!
Don't f*** with the Fu Manchu
Successfully find the Goatee
Rock out the Zappa
Successfully find The Souvarov
Successfully find The Winnfield
Enter random pirate quote here...
Anchor's away! Aweigh? Meh.
Medals Earned: 2/9 (30/325 points)
Medals Earned: 1/7 (5/455 points)
Find a weapons upgrade
Find an entrance to Dracula's castle
Kill 50 zombies
Survive that nasty area with all the junk in it
Collect every treasure in the game, including the hidden ones
Defeat Dracula
Finish the whole game in under 3 minutes!
Medals Earned: 2/9 (20/500 points)