
theRai's Medals


Total Medals Earned: 285 (From 129 different games.)
Total Medal Score: 3,285 Points

Pokemon Campaign

Medals Earned: 1/20 (5/500 points)

Humble Beginnings 5 Points

Start your adventure

Doofus 5 Points

Catch a Bidoof

Super Nerd 5 Points

Use Dexter to research a Pokemon

Big 5 10 Points

Reach Level 5

Dat's Right! 10 Points

As Meowth, KO a Pokemon owned by Ash

Searching Far And Wide 10 Points

Explore every area in the Campo Region

Super Rod 10 Points

Catch a Pokemon from a pond

Type Advantage 10 Points

Deal 4x super effective damage to a wild Pokemon

Vroom Vroom 10 Points

Add Racecar the Girafarig to your team

Big 10 25 Points

Reach Level 10

Bugcatcher 25 Points

Defeat Yanmega in Mantis Forest

Hiker 25 Points

Travel over 10,000 metres

Kill-fish 25 Points

Defeat Qwilfish in Periwinkle Pond

Needle Little Help? 25 Points

Defeat Cacturne in Midnight Graveyard

Rare Catch 25 Points

Catch a pseudo-legendary Pokemon

Smell Ya Later! 25 Points

Defeat Stunky in Fandango Fields

Trio, Trio, Trio! 25 Points

Defeat Dugtrio in Cordovan Cave

Grinding! 100 Points

KO 100 wild Pokemon

Pokemon Master 100 Points

Beat the game

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!


Medals Earned: 4/11 (100/500 points)

Floor 2 25 Points

Reach floor 2

Floor 3 25 Points

Reach floor 3

Floor 4 25 Points

Reach floor 4

Floor 5 25 Points

Reach floor 5

Floor 6 25 Points

Reach floor 6

Floor 7 25 Points

Reach floor 7

Floor 8 25 Points

Reach floor 8

Floor 9 25 Points

Reach floor 9

Die by Wurst! 100 Points

Kill the Wurstlord

Kielbasa Get! 100 Points

Obtain the Kielbasa

May the chain be unbroken 100 Points

Get two Kielbasas in a row

Prom GOblin

Medals Earned: 1/1 (5/5 points)


Open your cellphone


Medals Earned: 1/5 (5/120 points)

Mike drop 5 Points

Tyson was dropped from the game in 1990 after he lost the title.

NeoGeo 5 Points

Joing the Deathink fan club, follow Deathink on Newgrounds TODAY!

Shitter 5 Points

Follow me on Twitter.

You can't handle this! 5 Points

Get punched out by Tom.

Punch Out Tom! 100 Points

Beat Toms butt for blamming your submission.


Medals Earned: 1/2 (5/105 points)

Wow Jill, you suck at this game! 5 Points

Die without busting through a wall

Oh YEAH 100 Points

Beat the game and Unlock "ENDLESS MODE". Busting through all those walls probably crippled Jill in some way...

Rebuild 2

Medals Earned: 1/7 (5/205 points)

Zed Slayer 5 Points

Kill 100 zombies

The Necropolis 5 Points

Find and reclaim the big graveyard

The Bitter End 10 Points

Lose the game

Victory at Last 10 Points

Win the game on any difficulty

Completionist 25 Points

Find all five endings (cumulative)

Mountain of Bodies 50 Points

Kill 100,000 zombies (cumulative)

Impossible! 100 Points

Win the game on Impossible difficulty


Medals Earned: 3/8 (15/70 points)

Aspersion 5 Points

Begin your journey

Perversion 5 Points

Land on a spike trap

Recursion 5 Points

Ignore the laws of physics

Aversion 5 Points

Touch a bee

Inversion 5 Points

Get inverted

Excursion 10 Points

Complete Level 10

Introversion 10 Points

Complete Level 20

Incursion 25 Points

Complete the game

Return to Riddle School

Medals Earned: 4/7 (45/115 points)

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Ridiculous Text Adventures

Medals Earned: 9/11 (245/395 points)

How stupid are you? 5 Points

Please tell me you were just trying to get this medal.

Suicide 5 Points

You monster.

That was smart 5 Points

What you should have done is really obvious.

Your pants are on fire 5 Points

Liar, liar...you get where this is going.

AI never gives up 25 Points

You found a stalker!

Undiscovered, but also working as a toilet cleaner 25 Points

Good luck with your new career.

You are a murderer 25 Points

Sure, it's just a video game, but also, you killed someone.

Nailed the interview 50 Points

You're going to be such a good zookeeper.

You made a deal! 100 Points

I hope you chose the money.

You are the chair 50 Points

And you should be damn proud.

The only kind of emotional ending in the entire game 100 Points



Medals Earned: 1/4 (5/90 points)

CHEESY 5 Points

Get a single piece of Cheese

Mystery Cheese 10 Points

Find a secret cheese!


Collect over 32 pieces of cheese and complete the game

Full Stomach 50 Points

Find every single piece of cheese (56 total)